I was waiting for this moment for a long long time .... This hammock is coming from Galapagos, when on my fathers boat RAGAINEII me, Egoi and my father were sailing AROUND THE WORLD. Since than i was searching a place, where i could hang it. And i finally i found it. Our own boat!
So here I am- girl from Lithuania, who changed her architect career to NOMAD SAILOR life:)
Now i live on boat with Egoi and my son Jura , write this blog and constantly look foward for our next destination. And even if it looks like so simple , believe, living on a boat there is so many things to do: check the weather, plan new route, read about the countries we are sailing to, their regulations, harbors and safe anchorages, maintain the boat, take care about provisions , accurately plan the budget, keep looking for new jobs or projects and DREAM!